Estão abertas, no período de 01/09 a 07/10/2022, as inscrições para o processo seletivo para concessão de até 3 (três) bolsas de pesquisa e desenvolvimento tecnológico, para a realização de atividades de pesquisa e desenvolvimento para reconhecimento de objetos na superfície marítima utilizando Inteligência Artificial (IA) no âmbito do Projeto de Desenvolvimento de Ciência e Tecnologia “Tripulante Virtual - Autonomous Search System”, coordenado pelo Prof. Dr. Filipe A. N. Verri da Divisão de Ciência da Computação do Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica (ITA), co-executado em projeto da Fundação CERTI.
Our research group infrastructure has been registered in the National Research Infrastructure Platform (PNIPE).
The registration further promotes the collaboration of the group with other Brazilian laboratories.
The PNIPE aims to systematically map and gather information on research infrastructures in Scientific, Technological and Innovation Institutions (STIs) in Brazil, enabling access for the scientific and technological community and companies to existing laboratory facilities and research equipment, promoting their shared use.
The article “Autonomous and Collective Intelligence for UAV Swarm in Target Search Scenario” has been accepted for the IEEE LARS/SBR 2021 (Latin American Robotics Symposium/Brazilian Robotics Symposium).
The paper addresses the application of a swarm of drones with autonomous intelligence in a search scenario for unknown targets. The swarm of UAVs applies AI techniques to obtain autonomous and distributed intelligence for cooperative search. Results showed an improvement in the efficiency of the swarm when applying distributed decision-making heuristics.